Why would you invest in just the one location?
Billboard’s are designed to catch a person’s attention and create a memorable impression very quickly, leaving people to think of the advertisement after they have driven past.
Investing in a single location where there is a high traffic flow only markets a certain sector of town. Hot air ballooning is more than just a flying billboard!
Hot Air Ballooning markets multiple 100,000’s of people every morning, flying from one side of a city to the other. By placing your or your client’s brands in stunningly unusual locations, and then capturing stills and video images for enduring value. Picture This Ballooning has pioneered a new medium in Australia – full service promotional aviation. There are three types of balloons your company could use for hot air balloon advertising – special shape balloons, branded balloons or bannered balloons.
Sportsbet’s ‘Christ the Redeemer’ Balloon over Melbourne in the lead up to the 2014 World Cup in Rio.
Having the flexibility to be in one location one day and one the next is what separates hot air ballooning marketing from the rest. Flying over highly populated cities and regions, as well as major landmarks often result in high media exposure. Flights in conjunction with major events such as AFL Grand Final and the Melbourne Grand Prix expose a brands image to an extreme extent with many tourists and visitors coming to a city for that particular time.
Carlton Draught pot balloon flying over the Melbourne CBD and MCG on the morning of the 2018 AFL Grand Final.
By having a few different options to choose from, we really do offer a product for anyone.
Brand awareness is a key consideration in consumer behaviour, advertising management, brand management and strategy development. The consumer’s ability to recognise or recall a brand is central for investment. Hot air ballooning offers an ‘out of the box’ marketing opportunity, where you separate yourself from your competitors and expose your brand in a completely different medium. Everyone knows when you open up the newspaper there is advertising everywhere, public transport has advertising all over it, magazines, food and beverage packages – consumers don’t take note of this. You want the general public taking timeless photographs and videos and posting them to their social media accounts, this is what people do with hot air balloons.
AGL earth hour balloon
Sydney morning herald capturing the AGL earth hour balloon while on tour.
To see your brand flying high amongst the clouds, contact us on 03 9429 0277.